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Pumaspeed Focus Heavy Duty Boost Solenoid - Focus Mk3 ST (250PS)

Pumaspeed Focus Heavy Duty Boost Solenoid - Focus Mk3 ST (250PS)


Pumaspeed Ford Focus ST225 Boost solenoid - Pumaspeed Hybrid Turbochargers


  • Direct refit to existing pipe work
  • More Reliable thaan Stock OE Plastic valve
  • Uprated control speed.


Pumaspeed now launch their own version of the ever popular Heavy Duty Boost Solenoid.

This new unit is a higher spec than the silver coloured units already available..
the valve comes complete with metal fittings not the plastic type which are prone to cracking and breaking.

The faster switching speed of this new boost valve and accuracy boost control allows the car to perform and deliver boost in a far better way, it works best with all remapped vehicles.


Which way around do the pipes go ?


The valve has each port numbered 1 ,2 and  3

Port 1 = Return line ( this goes back into the turbo intake which faces upwards on the start of the Turbo intake)


Port 3 = Presure feed ( this goes to the line that exits normally from the side of the Turbo intake)

Port 2 = Actuator Feed (this line goes directly to the actuator.)


Please be aware that the unit will not work correctly any other way around and could result in serious overboost problems and subsequenet engine damage if not properly fitted

.If you are in any doubt whatsoever please print this page and take the Pumaspeed uprated solenoid valve to a professional workshop for installation.


Please Note: These instructions are ONLY for the Pumaspeed Valve, other makes of valves are piped up differently and do not work with the same port conections.


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